Fun and Engaging Teaching and Learning Workshop with English Language Fellow

SUNDAY I 5 MARCH 2023 - The English Language Unit of the Faculty of Language Studies and Human Development recently held a Teaching and Learning Workshop, featuring Micah Ray Thomas, an English Language Fellow from the United States of America. During the two-hour slot, Micah shared his expertise with English Language teachers and lecturers on some fun activities that can be done with students. One of the topics covered in the workshop was warm-up and ice-breaking sessions, which are essential to building a positive classroom environment and encouraging active participation from students.

Micah's workshop was met with enthusiastic responses from all participants, who found the activities both informative and engaging. The location of the workshop, which was held at the Faculty of Language Studies and Human Development, provided a conducive environment for the participants to learn and share their ideas. Overall, the workshop was a great success, and the English Language Unit hopes to hold more similar events in the future to continue to inspire and develop the skills of English Language educators.